
Client: A natural person submitting Transaction requests to Simba Money UAB.

Day of Receipt: The Business Day when funds are received by Simba Money UAB.

Simba Money UAB: Legal entity with code 305713850, located at Konstitucijos Pr 21A, LT-08130, Vilnius, Lithuania. Email:, Phone: +370 60783568. Supervised by the Bank of Lithuania.

Business Day: A day, excluding Saturdays and Sundays, when banks are open for general business in Lithuania.

Receiver: The beneficiary of the money transfer.

Transaction: Every money transfer initiated by the Client through Simba Money UAB.


1.1. Simba Money UAB enables Clients to send funds through the Simba Money App to designated Receivers.

1.2. Simba Money UAB provides domestic transfers (within the Republic of Lithuania) and international transactions (outside the Republic of Lithuania).

Provision of Services

2.1. Funds transferred to a state outside the EEA or involving multiple currency conversions are available to the Receiver by the end of the Day of Receipt.

2.2. For funds transferred in Euro currency, the Receiver can collect them by the end of the following Business Day after the Day of Receipt.

2.3. By accepting this Agreement, the Client instructs Simba Money UAB to execute specific Transactions, constituting separate agreements for each.

2.4. Money Transfer Service Provider offers the option to pay out funds at Payment Agent locations. Receivers must provide proof of identity and transaction details for cash payouts.

Terms and Conditions

2.5. Applicable law requires screening of Transactions against government lists. Simba Money UAB may request additional details to comply with this requirement.

2.6. Information on fees for money transfers is available on the website and shown to the Client before completing the Transaction.

2.7. Money transfers are typically made in the currency of the destination country, converted at current exchange rates.

2.8. Exchange rates may vary based on local regulations and payment currencies. Any difference in exchange rates may be kept by Simba Money UAB.

2.9. Clients' cards are immediately debited upon completing a transaction.

Right to Rescind a Money Transfer

3.1. Clients have the right to rescind a money transfer within 3 Business Days by notifying Simba Money UAB in writing. However, this right does not apply if funds have already been paid out to the Receiver.

Liability of the Parties

4.1. Each party is liable for fines, forfeits, and other losses due to Agreement violations.

4.2. Simba Money UAB does not guarantee uninterrupted services and is not liable for operation disruptions beyond its control.

4.3. Simba Money UAB is not liable for money transfers due to Client negligence or errors by third parties.

4.4. Clients are responsible for the accuracy of data submitted to Simba Money UAB.

4.5. Simba Money UAB must prove the authenticity of authorized operations if contested by the Client.

4.6. Clients are liable for losses due to unauthorized operations up to EUR 3000, unless caused by Simba Money UAB's negligence.

4.7. Clients must comply with security measures and promptly report any unauthorized use of their authentication features.

4.8. Simba Money UAB must inform Clients of unauthorized operations and return funds promptly.

Suspension of Services

5.1. Simba Money UAB, at its discretion, may suspend or limit services without prior warning in cases of Agreement violations, potential harm to reputation, legal requirements, or safety concerns.

5.2. In cases of suspected system hacking, Simba Money UAB may suspend services.

Complaints, Applicable Law, Jurisdiction, Communication

6.1. Clients may file complaints with Simba Money UAB, receiving a response within 15 Business Days. If unsatisfied, Clients may escalate complaints to competent courts.

6.2. Clients may pursue claims in Lithuanian courts or use out-of-court settlement options provided by the Bank of Lithuania.

6.3. Clients may submit complaints to the Bank of Lithuania within 1 year of filing complaints with Simba Money UAB.

6.4. Clients may request information about service terms and the Agreement from Simba Money UAB.

6.5. All communication between Clients and Simba Money UAB is conducted in the language of the Agreement.

6.6. This Agreement is governed by Lithuanian law, with the place of fulfillment being Vilnius.